Grace Presbyterian exists not only for herself, but for the greater good of the global mission as an outward-facing Gospel ministry.  Below are some ways that you can engage in global mission at Grace.

  • Mario and Elsbeth Tafferner, Tyndale Seminary (Amsterdam)

    Summary: Mario and Elsbeth serve the worldwide Church by training global Christian leaders in a suburb of Amsterdam through theological education at Tyndale Theological Seminary. At the school, Mario teaches Old Testament. The seminary has an intentional international profile and trains students from all over the world—but mostly from Africa and Asia—to become pastors and missionaries in their home countries. Both Mario and Elsbeth are excited that God uses Tyndale to prepare men and women for a variety of ministries with a gospel-centered theological education. At the same time, the faculty and students are actively serving in churches and ministries in the Netherlands, one of the most secular societies in the world. 

    How you can serve: Tyndale is a missionary seminary. The faculty are all missionaries and most of the students come from distant countries where they couldn't receive the kind of theological education they get at Tyndale. Thanks to gracious donors, they can receive scholarships and stipends which allows them to get the ministry preparation they need to serve God wherever they are from. Donations to Mario and Elsbeth's work can be made online via their agency Mission to the World. Most important for the ministry at Tyndale is prayer. Please ask God to use the school for the sake of his kingdom by sending us students who will faithfully serve the Gospel in the future, by giving the faculty and the staff wisdom to educate them well, and by strengthening them during their studies. Please also pray that God will sustain and grow the school spiritually and financially. Tyndale is dependent on God's gracious hand to expand its activities. 

  • El Shaddai Ministries International (Haiti)

    Summary: ESMI seeks to be a Christ-centered ministry filling Haiti with passionate church leaders and to establish a network of Haitian churches that are spiritually healthy, evangelical, and self-sustaining. The ESMI network includes over 121 churches, 40 schools with 7,000 students, and nine children's homes serving 1,000 orphans. 

    How you can serve: Sponsor a child, volunteer for a medical trip, or buy a prayer booklet.

    For more information, please visit ESMI Haiti's website

  • Stephan and Karis Rigby

    Summary: Stephen and Karis serve as Team Leaders in Nairobi, Kenya. They serve the team by helping team members engage in meaningful ministry while navigating cross-cultural living well. Together Stephen and Karis share a love for leadership development, mentorship of young adults, encouraging others in the gospel, and Kenya!

    How you can serveYou can support Stephen and Karis Rigby with a one-time or recurring gift on the Serge website to support them and their mission.

    For more information please visit Serge’s website.

    Here is the link to sign up for their monthly newsletters. 

  • Africans Reaching Africa

    Summary: ARA’s vision is to evangelize, disciple, and plant churches among unreached people groups across Northern and Western Africa by mobilizing, equipping, and supporting African believers. ARA’s mission is to mobilize African believers to go as missionaries to unreached people groups in Africa in obedience to the Great Commission.

    How you can serve: ARA asks for Prayer, financial support, and assistance in Missions training.

    For more information please visit Africans Reaching Africa’s website.