Sunday Mornings

Children are welcomed to participate in the entire service. However, we offer Sunday School for children ages 0-4th grade. All children must be checked-in with a name tag prior to the service. Check-in is in the lobby or side entrance via iPad. All children will need to be checked out at the end of the Worship Service. Masks for children are at the discretion of the parents. If your child is new to Grace's Children's Ministry, you will need to register your child. You can register them upon arrival or you may fill out the fill out our registration form online hereTo view our Child Protection Policies and Procedures, please click here

Nursery (0-23 months): Our nursery is open 10 minutes before the service starts and throughout the entire service. Our nursery is located upstairs on the south side (parking lot side) of the West Hall. Our nursery is staffed with professional childcare workers. 

Toddlers (2's and 3's): Our toddler's classroom is located upstairs on the north side of the West Hall.  The toddler classroom is open before and through the entire service.

Pre-K (4's and 5's) + Kindergarten: Children in Pre-K and Kindergarten should be checked into their classrooms in the lower level after the Children's Sermon. 

1st grade through 4th grade: 1st through 4th grade children may sit with their parents until they are excused after the Children's Sermon. Children will be dismissed to the West Hall for singing and Sunday School lessons.

For more information about our children's ministry, please contact our Director of Children's Ministry, Karis Highsmith.

Children's Ministry Updates

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  • Grace Bible Camp | August 12th-15th

    Grace Bible Camp 2024 (formerly known as VBS) is a great opportunity for ALL our church family to be involved! It is a great opportunity for all of us to serve our children and our neighbors. Also please pray to see which neighbors/friends you can invite to have great fun learning about Jesus through some of the meals He had on earth! Registration is open for children and volunteers, sign-up here! How will you serve this summer? For more information, please contact Evan Ipema.

  • Grace Kids!

    Grace Kids! is off for the summer! It will return after Labor Day.

    Grace Kids! is our onsite children's program that meets weekly on Wednesday nights from 6:00pm-7:15pm. It features activities, Bible teaching, and games to help our children (Pre-K through 4th grade) grow in their faith. For more information, please contact Karis Highsmith.